Friday, June 20, 2008

Free Money

In brief, the graduate school paid for my summer course as if I were a normal gradaute assistant with a tuition waiver, and then the GK-12 fellowship paid for it again. So then Auburn refunded me the extra money via direct deposit, and I got $3,266 in my bank account !!! I've been trying to get it sorted out, but figuring out who is where and what department does what has been taking some time. I got in touch with people in the Graduate School and they'll probably sort it out on Monday.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Water Rockets

For an assignment for my education class I helped out at a science camp at Auburn this afternoon. We built water rockets out of 2 liter soda bottles, and using a device to pump air into them and then launch them. It worked out pretty well!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Getting More Stuff Done

I registered for fall classes today. I stopped by the registrar's office to get something cleared up first. Also, I've been going to MIT's website to view some video lecture's of Linear Algebra, a standard undergraduate course, but I don't think I ever learned it very well. So far its been interesting and helpful. The only big assignment for my education course is a presentation on July 1st, where I'm supposed to discuss how I plan to bring some ideas about my math research into the high school. So I have a lot of free time on my hands right now, and I've been trying to look for a new hobby or something. And soon, the Laker's series will be over by Thursday (hopefully not sooner!), and then I'll have even more time available. But I suppose I really only have about 2 weeks until I (hopefully) come home for a while and then move my stuff out here!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I applied for an Apartment

Here is a link where you can look at some pictures and floorplans of the apartment I applied for.

It is about 1 mile from campus.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Update on Finding a Place to Live

I have a couple of leads for places that are a little nicer than what I previously looked at, but are a little farther from campus, but still on the Auburn tram route. I could not believe the place a new friend showed me, that was 2 bed/1 bath, for only $460/month, with many utilities included in the price. I'm interested in looking into it more, because I could use 1 of the bedroom's as an office/study. I'm not sure why it so cheap, except that it is a little farther from campus, maybe a little closer to train noise, and only has 1 bath, instead of 2 for the two rooms.
But this place also has a full basketball court on the premises!

So I think I've narrowed it down to there, or 2 other places, and hopefully leasing and timing will work out.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Finding Housing, Arggggh!!

I'm fortunate to be living in a dorm on campus free of charge right now...but finding something off campus for August is another matter! A lot of realty agenecies have leases that begin in mid-August, rather than the beginning of the month. This complicates coming home and driving back, because I should be in Auburn in the beginning of the month for GK-12 obligations.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Me and My Bike

I bought this bike at Wal-Mart for about $80. It looks cool, and has two sets of shock abosrbers. One is just above the front wheel, and the other is between the rear wheel and the frame. It might not be the fastest bike, but it offers a smooth ride.

First Post

Well, this is my first post. I decided to make a blog as a convenient way to update people, post pictures, maybe video, etc. I hope you enjoy!