Friday, April 17, 2009

Tax Revolution!

Here's a few pictures from the "Tea Party" I went to on Auburn's campus on April 15. There were a few hundred people, a few speakers, and a donkey. Reduce taxes!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Some Recent Pictures

This is when it snowed in Auburn on March 1. The view is outside my apartment.

This is on my way back home on the roadtrip to see Michael, and I stopped for a picture at the border. I set my camera up on my car with the timer.

This is Uncle Gene and Aunt Claire's 'log cabin'. On this computer (at school) its hard to see with the lighting contrast, but hopefully on your computer it will be better.

Here's me and Michael at the Duke University football stadium. I also got to walk on "Coach K Court" at Duke, and spent some time at the UNC Basketball Museum too. Fun times!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Having Some Fun....

I got this 'flying top' thing to work pretty well. I'm thinking about taking it over to show some kids in the church sometime, so I thought I'd better practice first!